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   WHO AM I   

Hi. I'm Johanna. I started blogging to share my journey as I transition into a wheelchair. My passion is cruise travel and I refuse to give it up. I'm not disabled, i'm differently-abled. Don't be afraid of my chair, come along for the ride.
In late 2010 I had a near fatal medical event that changed my life forever. After a 19 month recovery time, which included 12 proceedures and 3 major surgeries. I found myself on social security disability after working 29 years in law enforcement and emergency planning. I'd gone from being a pretty active mom of two teenage boys, who as a family enjoyed fishing, shooting (trap and skeet), kayaking and cheering for the boys at lacrosse matches and cross country meets. I went from fully active to laying in a hospital bed staring out the window ... and I wondered what the hell happened?
I learned to live with things the way they were. Until last year, when I noticed an odd sensation in my feet. I chalked it up to being tired and ignored it as it got worse. I began to stumble occasionally and began using a cane. When the numbness started in my feet and the tingling in my hands began I knew it was time to see the neurologist. After extensive rest and ruling everything else out, I was given a diagnosis.
Progressive Degenerative Nerve Disease. As it was explained to me, this affects everyone different and can be caused by many different things. Mine is genetic and has no cure. It effects my body's activities, such as numbness, balance, movement, talking, breathing, and heart function. It is often very painful with sharp shooting pain and tingling as the nerve endings die. Medications help with the pain, but nothing can make the nerve endings work again. And that's how I became the Wheelchair Traveller.

Johanna and her husband Chuck on board Explorer of the Seas,

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